Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Black Hole"

She leans in close and lays her chin on my shoulder. There are so many signs we choose not to notice, that we fail to recognize, but I see them all. The way she allows the curves of her body to fit perfectly alongside mine. The way she closes her eyes, not because she can't bear to see what is happening, but like she no longer needs them. As if every desire she could ever have imagined was being met at this very second, and the imagery is just a formality, she has no need to see it, she feels it, she knows it, for some, seeing is believing, for her right now, there is only believing.

There are such few moments in our lives such as these, they are the moments we live for. The few seconds of complete satisfaction, where we can honestly say there is not a single regret in our lives, for if anything was different we might not have this right now, and we just can't imagine a world without it.

I raise my hand and allow my fingers to dive into the hair along her neck, and like teeth on a comb I move them up along the back of her head. The smell of her hair is all I can smell, all I can hear, all I can see, until she pulls back and breaks into my sensory overload with a flash of a smile.

Our eyes are locked, and nothing short of a whirlwind pulling one of us apart could break this stare. It is the type of look you can't fake, you can't imitate. You are no longer looking at a blue ring around a black speckle, you are seeing each other as a final product. You realize that no matter what came before, no matter what troubles or fears that used to reside hidden deep inside each other, it's all gone. Expelled from our thoughts, exorcised from our bodies, and we for the first time in our lives, are exactly who we are meant to be.

We talk of magnetism in romance as a metaphor, but in times like these it's fact. Our faces come closer and closer ever so slowly, with a force so strong you wouldn't be surprised if the meeting of our lips caused an implosion large enough to create a black hole. And who's to say it doesn't? Time stops, nothing else exists, and for this infinite moment, you swear you are sent to some other dimension.

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